Mr. Qin is a Managing Director and Head of Risk, ALM & Capital Management of Ares Insurance Solutions. Prior to joining Ares in 2021, Mr. Qin was the Global Head of Insurance Analytics at BlackRock, where he led BlackRock's insurance asset liability management, advanced portfolio construction and analytics, as well as reinsurance capabilities in the USA, Europe, and Asia. Previously, Mr. Qin was the Global Head of Investment Risk at Aflac, where he was responsible for Aflac's asset liability management, risk analytics development, investment risk monitoring and reporting, as well as capital and accounting advisory for various investment and derivative strategies. In addition, Mr. Qin served as a Consulting Actuary, with initially Deloitte and subsequently Milliman in Australia, Europe and the USA. Mr. Qin holds a B.Com. in Actuarial Science and a B.Sc. (First Class Hons and University Medal) in Mathematics and Statistics from the University of New South Wales. Mr. Qin is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries (FSA), a Fellow of Institute and Faculty of Actuaries (FIA), a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries of Australia (FIAA) and a member of the American Academy of Actuaries (MAAA). Mr. Qin is also a CFA® charterholder and holds the FRM and CERA professional designations.